Bike Rack Design

My new apartment has considerably more square footage than my previous place and I can finally bring my bikes inside out of the elements. This is great considering the added moisture in the PNW. However, we need a way to keep them neat and out of the way but still accessible. They can’t stay leaned up against the wall by the door, anymore.

I picked up a few bike racks from Amazon to mount on the wall. However, as has been an issue in a few other posts, the metal stud drywall setup in the new apartment doesn’t hold up to any sort of load. So after quickly installing the bike in drywall and seeing the drywall anchors slowly pull out of the wall I knew I’d have to take a similar approach I took on my guitar rack

Step one is to nail down the design. I took some rough measurements and made a couple quick sketches until I could take it to Solidworks. 

Since I’m taking this to the shop soon I went ahead and made a drawing package as well. Next up is to get some lumber and spend a day in the shop.