Tag Archives: Found Materials

Found Supplies: Peugeot PR10 Frameset

Recently I was dropping my girlfriend off at work in downtown Portland when I spotted something under an underpass. I circled around after dropping her off and parked to check it out. There was a shopping cart with a couple of bike frames and tires, seemingly abandoned. I looked around the area, spent a few minutes checking out what was in the cart, and no one seemed to have any interest in the bikes.

I am always looking for things like this. A cache of goods might have a treasure in it if you’re looking for the right thing. What caught my eye in this cart was a white Peugeot road bike frame. I spent a few minutes looking it over, and it was in rough shape. 

Remembering that most older Peugeot frames are pretty heavy, cheap steel I almost got back in my car and left. I didn’t need another low priority, low value project. But as I was leaving a sticker on the chrome fork caught my eye. It said “Reynolds 501”. The fork, at least, was worth the trouble.

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Found Supplies: Russian Birch Plywood

Perusing the Craigslist free section has turned up a few good finds for me. This week it provided me some nice 3/4″ Russian Birch plywood. I was able to pick up four pieces of plywood, each roughly 9″ x 80″.

I’ve had a few projects kicking around in my head that requires plywood, but since this looks like some nice wood I’m thinking it may end up a a cabinet for a Fender Bassman chassis I’ve had for a while.

I guess it’s time to start looking into amplifier cab designs again and get an idea for dimensions…