Tag Archives: Gain Stage

Planning and Prototyping a Mosfet Boost Circuit

Long ago I promised my friend Nick a mod for a guitar pedal of his. His 8-bit fuzz pedal caused a volume drop that he couldn’t overcome by tweaking the settings, and he didn’t want to put a boost after because he would have to hit two pedals every time he wanted to switch to his fuzz. I had been looking at making a couple of different boost circuits and offered to put one in his pedal.

Now, some years later, I’m actually putting some effort into the project. The circuit I chose is the Mosfet Booster pedal from AMZ .  The circuit was simple and would make for a very transparent gain stage. The idea is to make a small add-on board for his current pedal and wire the boost in line before the output jack.

I had seen a Hack-a-Day series about creating PCB’s in a number of different software, in particular a walk-through of using Eagle CAD. I’ve seen so many mentions of Eagle CAD over the years, but never used it. This simple circuit would make a good intro to the program.

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